What is it? A metal wire dealy

When we arrived, we found this work of art in our kitchen, sitting on the floor. What is it?

090111 Kitchen


Anonymous said...

Not sure but I think you could fit both your children on it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like something you would use to transport your groceries home from the market.

Jonathan said...

Now this one is quite intriguing. Unique indeed. I'm afraid this one has me stumbled. The ring on top is what baffles me. At first thought I would say this is what you put your garbage bag on/in. Not sure if you have trash cans there. And I KNOW you didn't pack one in your carry on. But perhaps you use it to put a trash bag over and dump your stuff in. Am I close?

phil said...

It definitely is to hold something cylindrical - like a large water jug or something similar.

Anonymous said...

Dad says, It has to be a carrier for a water bottle. BTW, When do we get answers???

James Garriss said...

I'll generally leave the questions up for 5-7 days before I post an answer, depending upon when I get some time.