Getting net access was really easy, mostly because a friend had an account and modem already setup and waiting for us. It's an ADSL connection, so I plugged it into the phone line, added Time Capsule, connected the iMac, turned on and secured the wireless network, and finally added Ann's laptop. Easy as pie.

Curious about my connection speed, another friend directed me to Connecting to their Atlanta server, I'm getting 1750 kbps up and 580 down. Not good, but not bad. We tested a video Skype to my folks back home, and that worked pretty well, which surprised and pleased me. So far so good.


Anonymous said...

nice digs. i've had to become familiar with adsl as well. could you possibly publish your whole posts to RSS? i know you probably prefer getting the hits...


James Garriss said...

RSS set to full posts. I don't keep track of hits. Pictures of our new digs coming shortly.